Mixed Match Result

Grade: A Grade Round: 01
Home Team: St. Peters Away Team: Essendon (Black)
Man 1: McDonald, Robert Man 1: Warden, Wesley
Man 2: Malignaggi, Fabian Man 2: Duquemin, John
Lady 1: Murrell, Michelle Lady 1: Warden, Lauren
Lady 2: Viney, Michelle Lady 2: Carland, Kristy

Set 1 (M1+M2)    
Set 2 (L1+L2)    
Set 3 (M1+L1)    
Set 4 (M2+L2)    
Set 5 (M1+L2)    
Set 6 (M2+L1)    

Winning Team: Draw

Comments: Washout. Plexipave courts had puddles due to rain during the day. Courts were squeegeed but they were still quite wet and slippery in patches. Both teams agreed courts were not playable and agreed to a washout.